AMASS #2 - You Should Have Seen it Coming

Howdy peeps,

How good is hindsight?

It helps you not make the same mistakes over, reflect and roll your eyes at yourself, and write blog posts to warn others of impending doom should they follow the same path.

However, looking back on those scenarios that could have been avoided makes you realise it’s part of your journey. Sometimes things happen for a reason because there’s a lesson you need to learn.

Hopefully, this post helps us all recognise these types of scenarios so when we next encounter one, we give it the attention it deserves.

We are live!

I bit the bullet and released the blog to the world.

Dunno why I didn’t do it much earlier. It was a non-event, really. 🤪

Please share the site (or forward one of these weekly newsletters) with those you feel may benefit from the material. The more, the merrier.

This week’s clip is the track Heartbeats by The Knife.

A forgotten favourite, I only recently rediscovered and added it to my Spotify playlist.

It’s fascinating watching members of the Hobie Skateboard Team board-walking whilst barefoot riding downhill; a skill you don’t see today.

Here’s this week's post.
